Wednesday, February 25, 2009

喜欢上 是缘分吗 ?

如果喜欢上是个缘分的话 那为何他和我没有下文? 月老别停笔 继续写下一步发生的事情 因为我开始害怕了 我害怕 到头来只是我一厢情愿 ... 我愿意为他付出 但却不想弄成一场尴尬 我开始想念他了 因为这几天都做了个决定 不会随随便便联络他 没要紧事的话 我不想去烦他

我心里有好多疑问 但疑问却越堆越多 因为从没有被解答过,我知道他 好像已经忘记曾经说过的话 但我还是坚持他总有一天 他一定会想起。

戴老师 你知道 我每天都在期待吗? 期待见到你 亲手交给你 我之前所要给你的手信。 我不知道 你身边到底还有谁 但是我希望你给我多一点点的时间 让我证明 我 是真的喜欢你了,从第一次见面 我就好想知道多一点关于你的消息 我也因此 把它们都记录在脑海里。不信可以 考考我 ...

当你喜欢上一个人 可是那人却不知道 也常美和你连系的话 是不是 比较辛苦些? 不过喜欢上了 要我放弃 我办不到 至少要等到 他开口拒绝我 告诉我他身边一直都有女人了 那我可能才能彻底死心,每努力过我不向失败低头 或许会觉得我很固执 可是起码我会甘心 因为真的努力过 也尽力了。

“我的快乐 会回来的...” 要是有天他也喜欢上我了 那我的快乐 就会回来了 也证实了我的付出没白费,虽然不知道师生恋 是否真的行得通 但我愿意 花时间去等待

老师 我 喜欢你 但我不愿意 去烦你 因为 我只是名叫爱花 但不是花痴 我知道什么该做什么不该做 所以你放心吧

Oreo biscuits

Oreo biscuits at here mean i`m the cream. Then the topper n downer part is others. What would you do when you`re place at there? I dont noe what i can do, but i do feel the lonelyness. How come i hav dat feeling? Hmm its basically becaus i feel dat i`m the only one, no way no place to go, some how feel like stuck in the middle of a big ocean waiting rescue or drown. Can i make something to change the situation? I think i dont hav dat such power, i`m not the superwoman or superherowein of caus, i`m jus a normal gal who i`m and what i suppose to be. I hope there will always the sunshine after a big rain and i do blief it. No matter how hard and difficult it was jus a process,i`ll gain over. After that, it should b a part of my story and experience. I quite tough when facing the problems but no matter how tough is i also have the time to collaspe, but after sitting down thinking and crying, i`ll standing up again as i knew no pain no gain. A lesson will be a whole life insurans ! Its worth to pay .

Sunday, February 22, 2009

创造耀眼My Body

来到我这个博可 相信也是想要知道 我有什么秘诀 对吧? 我也没有什么秘诀 只是找到一个我觉得有效果的 因为我的身段 也不是好到那里 所以一直都在寻找 但是凡事都要有一定的决心 才会成功 加油 但是 方法和资料 我将会列出 若有问题 可以问 我会一一解答

*这个方法是适合 男和女的

男的 是否希望有酱的身段?

问一问女的 要是身边有一位这样的男友 那你会以他为傲吗?
同样的女的 你希望有这样的身材吗?正所谓 苗条淑女 君子好求

也问一问男的 若身边牵的是这个样子的 那你是否也会骄傲呢?

根据调查显示 经年来已有380万成年人超重 成年人的身体状况将在每8年走下坡一次 所以身体将会越来越不健康 更不用说想要保持身材 因为要是身材好却不健康 那你的人生也没有 什么意义 所以我在这里推荐的 是健康且还能 造就美丽身段的营养替代餐
问题来了 :“我怎么知道 我是否超重或肥胖?
用以下这方程式 你将会 一目了然
BMI = ____体重_____
解说:体重不足 :<>
正常 :18.5 - 22.9
超重 :23.0 - 24.9
肥胖 :> 25.0
世界卫生组证实了 若腰围增加一寸 寿命将减一年
男性:少或等于 85 cm
女性:少或等于 80 cm
*不过不管BMI指数多少 腰围还是贴切的反映了腹部的脂肪情况
其实一般减肥的方法 如速成节食,手术,纤体中心,药物 是可以瘦 但未必健康
但是以下的 就是安利公司/Amway 所属的 纤体美型健康保健套配套
- 水果和蔬菜纤维片(Fruit and vegetable fibre tablets)
- 蛋白质(Protein)
2 scoop
- 替代餐(Positrim)
: 有三种口味 可可,香草,咖啡
加入2 scoop 的蛋白质 然后再加入 半包的Positrim 和250ml的水
Protein + Positrim = Meal replacement
*另一种口味就是你照样把Protein 2 scoop + Positrim 半包+ Lemon 1 scoop. 味道很好噢!
- Active 8 活力冲调晶粉 柠檬味
:提供25 % 的7 种维他命B以及C
:采用天然果糖加甜 不含防腐剂和色素
- 吃完营养餐后,就得进食卵磷脂(Lecithin E)
- 天然纤体锭(CB Plus)
: 吃除了营养餐以外的食物就得吃,餐前三粒
: 阻止碳水化物进入血管
- 天然维他命B群(Natural B complex)
: 帮忙燃烧多余的脂肪
: 提供7种维他命B
: 每餐1粒
- 复合维生素C片(Bio C Plus)
:维他命C 是一种抗氧化物,需要用来维持健康的骨骼,牙齿和牙龈以及帮助伤口复原
- 最后一样, 钙与镁(Calcium Magnesium)
若有漂亮的身材 但却驼背的话 岂不是破坏了美感?
: 建立健康的骨骼
除了吃着营养配套 睡眠 和生活习惯也得注意,女人还得更努力保养 因为女人比较容易老化 我想身为女人的 都不要 远看一朵花 近看满脸像苦瓜 对吧?
所以自己的身体一定要顾好 因为除了你 没有人会帮你顾了 愿各位也有自己健康耀眼的身材!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Horoscope .

VIRGO - The PerfectionistDominant in relationships.. Conservative. Always wants the last word.Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager.Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh.Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.

SCORPIO - The Intense One Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/orpossessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holdsgrudges. Attractive. Determined. Lovesbeing in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered attimes. Passionate and Emotional.

LIBRA - The Harmonizer Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal.Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous.Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.

ARIES - The Daredevil Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Lovesa challenge... EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (Easilyangered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly -easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tendsto be physical and athletic.

AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive andintelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Canbe a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on theinside and out. Eccentric personality.

GEMINI - The Chatterbox Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic.Adaptable but needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likeschange. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seemsuperficial or inconsistent, but is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally.

LEO - The Boss Very organized. Need order in theirlives - like being in control. Like boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help others.Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous,warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themselves. Loving. D oing the right thing is importantto Leos. Attractive. .

CANCER - The Protector Moody, emotional. May be shy. Veryloving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative.Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person.Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.

PISCES - The Dreamer Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative.May become secretive and vague. Sensitive.Don't like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser.Beautiful.

CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to begood-looking. Humorous and funny. Canbe a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly yat times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want.

TAURUS - The Enduring One Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but theyare not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solidbeings who are stable and secure intheir ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make greatfriends and give good advice. Loving andkind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums.Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social andoutgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out.

Sunset dinner at Pantai Cenang,Langkawi

Sunset dinner ~

Shihleone, Ken, Kai Jie, Theng, Kok Hooi, Wei Shen,Chen Chen, Sasa, Hua

Have you seen tis bfor ?

The 3rd day of CNY, we have a gathering at Pantai Cenang, Langkawi. Pantai Cenag is the most famous beach at Langkawi. It is the first time for me to go to that place. I was full of joy when reached there. Its a nice place, thanks Kai jie and others! He is the one who fetch me there and Wei Shen & Shihleone was in the car also. Shihleone change a lot after graduate. He become more good looking then last time. I like his skin as he has a fair n smooth skin which guy seldom had. lols.

I jus post this to my blog as i just receive mail from Chen Chen. Thanks for her also. If not how would i going to post without those picture? She is a nice girl and we noe each other after taking Eng tuition together. Then after that we become closer and closer.

You can see happiness face ?

I like the smile of everyone, it make the picture more joyful!

We find a nice place n sit down chatting with each other. Facing sunset eating France buffet which cost RM 35 per pax is a enjoyable thing to do. I like the scenery and the environment at there. It was the first time for me to go there and i found out that the place was full of Western people except our table which is full with local people. When the buffet started, everyone was so exited as mostly is the first time to try out the food. When 9++ at night, there have a live band singing song for us and i guess the 2 sigers are the philiphino. As they want to make the environment more interesting, they even singing beyond's song for us - ' hai fut tin hong '

Sasa is on the way coming while others busy for camera lols

Sun going to dissapear

Sun really going to dissapear already

Thanks for Ken for Snap us when we are busy chatting with each other. If not the picture will not look so natural and pretty. I really damn like it, thanks again KEN ..

She is Sasa/Melissa, we are busy chatting until we did not realize that Ken snaping us. lols

She keep staring at me, she fall for me ?

We still din realize ==

She look so pro when dealing with camera as she study Design course

The buffet started when the sun disappear, so we eat from the sun is almost dissapear until th emoon had come out. Spending half day time at there, but its worth as we enjoyed. Although this gathering is not a big group of gathering but at least mostly are the frens that we could not always meet as Langkawi din have college or Univerity, so if you want further your study you need to go outside, but if you prefer f6 sure still have. So we are separated after graduate or finish f5.

For anyone who want answer this question please reply me in the form of comments. lols. Before anything bad happen, i appologise to Kai Jie first, if not later he will kill up me. I just help him to survey how people's reaction through this. Dun too small gas, alright ?

They are taking photo but i din bother much about wat had happened lols

I still continue my food ... ==

Ken was doing sumthing that he thought people wouldn't know but unfortunately Chen Chen take up the pic. Poor shihleone, sure Yee Chee ( girl who admire him ) will jealous. But Yee Chee did not went on that day. She explain to me that she don't know shihleone will go, if she knew it she sure will FLY there. lols

Our day did not end up by finish this buffet as we move to Langkawi Box for chiong k but then it cost quite expensive and we jus spend for 1 hours. That is the first time for me to go there, anyway i still fall in deep love with Red Box. Red Box rocks!

Actuatlly, for nowadays teenagers at Langkawi they are much better than us last time becaus Langkawi keep develop. Last time we don't have cinema, Baskin Robbins, 7 Eleven, Langkawi Box, Starbucks and so on. Now teenagers also can search those entertainment at Langkawi already, so its a good things.

For people who haven't visit to Langkawi before please come and have a look. Langkawi is a nice island for you to explore and you can ask opinion from me if you really decide to go. I will be very happy to answer you. Thanks for supporting.


Sweet day wif laopo !

She is Xue Er/Snow, same age wif me.

Our story begin when I simply add some Jit Sin High School's student into my Fs account. At first, I totally dunno her and she also cant remember whether she had approve me anot. And I din care much about dat at dat time, I just noe dat we had a quite long time chatting wif each other at Fs. Then one day I wan go to Pg to meet my fren but actly the main purpose or the first reason is to meet up my bf. Then i ask her out, as she also wan to meet me so she decide to cum out n meet me. Its her first time to spend wif lots of people until 10 ++ at nite but she very happy as she say is a memoriable day! I`m so happy to hear those words cum from her mouth ... Dat day is also the first time i saw her n meet her. We meet at Gurney - Red box fers, when she enter the room she get shock as thre are too many strangers, can say all of them,she noe none of them. When dat nite ended, i was so sad to leave her as she so close to me ... I also dunno whye but jus a feeling dat held me tight to her.

It happened at last year before Christmas, so we had bout 1 year ++ dat we din meet up each other. She study at Aus so is quite hard for her to meet up me. At last, the day has come. Our second date fell on 12 Feb 2009. We meet up each other at Gurney by 11.30 am ++ and its jus two of us. When i saw her i was so happy, she becum so pretty and i cant even recognize her. We start our day from Red box then shopping bout 1 hour then continue for movie - Bridal Wars. Then we tool some picture at the playground before we leaving. Then I leave her when its really the time for me to go.
We call each other by laopo as S.H.E hav a song wif it and its lyrics really suit us and we appreciate of each other to appear in our life. Laopo is my only laopo i promised, and i told her bfor watever happened i`ll not forget everythg dat happened befor in our life. The memory for us will last for a life time. I miss you n I love you ! I care about you so must always cheers in your life, all the best laopo. I look forward to have another date wif you again :)

We love each other

I look so steam, but she is pretty

Toilet full of love

Red Box - Chiong k

Sweet Face

She snap n I sing >.<

My new version car

Weird pose I did

Look into her eyes

Before leaving, giv a big hug for each other

“当初见面的不安 彼此探索也许有点茫然迷惑 朝夕相处才发现这世界中 没有人比你们更懂我,朋友姐妹都已不够来形容 我们的默契骄傲扶持与包容 老婆老婆我们一起打勾勾 请记得约定的旅程到永久”

laopo wif all my heart, I wish you all the best and good luck too. We are going to have another date soon. Hoping at here.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

我 依然相信

我 是谁?
我 是你的谁?
我 是你的朋友?
我 的脑海不停浮现 你的模样 我思考了一瞬间 仍不知为何 我开始怀疑月老的用意 他 让我们相遇 却不让我们有更多一点的时间去了解 这一切

我 好希望 能待在你的身边 为你忙 为你累 就算是个佣人 也胜过一切
你说过 有时间会来找我 我相信也很期待 一直等着那一天
或许那一天 不会到来 因为从柔佛到槟城 也不是件简单的事情 也或许你只是敷衍我转身就忘了 曾经说过什么

没关系 我 还是选择相信 虽然 当中很容易迷惘 但最要紧 是我相信
为你付出的人 或许多的不胜其数 但希望哪天 你知道这一切时 起码知道和了解一下 我是谁...

我的想象力很好 也喜欢发白日梦 不时不时会幻想和你在一起,听起来很白痴 但无所谓
因为我高兴 哈哈
甚至有一个晚上 我梦见和你热吻 那感觉好真实 让我不想从梦中醒过来,这一切应验了古人常说的 “日有所思,夜有所梦”

老师 我 依然相信 相信你一定会记得 你曾经 讲过的话

i hate BITCH,Chauvanist n irretating ppl !

BITCH - Gals wif super bad n terrible attitude dat refuse ppl to approach, they`re always create
problems and keep barking around.

Chauvanist - He/She wif super 'good imagination' dat caus ppl will easily hate, caus uneasy
feeling and make ppl irretate. Exp, if euu msg him/her, he/she feel dat euu miss
him, and keep think dat euu n him/her can b together.

Irretating ppl - This pharse is very suitable for ppl who caus irretate feel for euu.

My life started to becum complicated when i had met different kinds of ppl, but from most of the category, i have 3 category dat i really cant accept. I hate them as they caus a lot of problem and uneasy feeling for me.

For BITCh, kindly hope dat euu dun simply barking around me. If not euu`ll regret to see me in a rude way, trust me YOU`LL. I can be very close wif euu, laugh wif euu bt once euu let me noe euu`re kind of BITCH i swear i`ll let euu noe how the taste gonna b if i treat bac euu as YOU DID behind me. Dun always trying to think dat i dunnno everythg, bt in reality i noe much more n i trying to hide. BUT now i giving you A SIGN, dun make me explode!

For Chauvanist n irratating ppl, please leave my own way, stop to finding me n go bac to ur world! We`re different from each other n euu`re nt my type. If euu still finding chances to approach me, i won tolerate anymore. F*ck off from my way!

I can be a good fren and a bad fren either. I`m soft n nice if euu treat me gud, But if euu treat me bad I`m evil n rude. Once more, to remind euu dat dun try to control n bullshit about my thg, i have my own way. If euu dun like jus leave, I`ll not care much about euu as euu`re nt important for me.

" I have my personality " ... I`m nt dat simple if euu know well bout me *

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

我们 都有心跳


我一直都在等待, 等个什么样的人 我自己也不知道 只希望真的等到一位会认真对待 珍惜我的人。 幸福球从天而降 降落地上裂成碎片 拾到多的人就有多的幸福 拾到少的人就有较少的幸福 但不会有人拾到全部 所以幸福还是得靠自己去争取的 若你处于吾爹吾丢的状态下 那肯定你将会得不到什么

我很认真去拾 为的只是想证明我不是玩玩的 我对感情极度认真 也很专一痴情 不容易喜欢一个人但只要喜欢上 我就像头牛撞向墙 只为那个人。 要是我在这里告诉老师 我 对他有意思的话,他会相信吗?还是他会用什么眼光来看我?老师见过我 但一定不记得我, 他姓戴 叫戴老师 是个很多仰慕的男人 所以我也没什么信心 去面对这一切 选择了逃避 每隔几天联络一次后就不想再联络了

老师 我们都有 心跳,我好希望听到你的心跳 ~ 哪怕一下下 我也会很珍惜了......