Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sumary for June

After my cocktail presentation
I was very busy
Busy for my final exam
As after the exam,i`ll b goin
to proceed my training at G hotel
for half year.
It start from 6 July - 20 Dec

I`ll b less update my blog
As i`ll need to work follow the shift time
Moreover, my place did nt support

I will miss my blog
So bfore July started
I`ll post evrythg as i could

After finish my final exam, i travel bac
to my hometown
my home sweet home
And its also the time i say goodbye wif my
housemate dat accompany me about
1 year and half
Although thre are sumthg misunderstand
when we living together bt thre are also
happy moment we have been through together

Its also the time to say goodbye to my
coursemate, i appreciate to be wif them
After the training, then our diploma was complete
Fast? If i`m willing to study, mayb will
proceed degree. Bt i will?

I dunno how my work life in hotel will b
Bt i`ll try my very best to work it out
I`ll also at the same time building my
business as i knew i`ll achive my target soon

JUNE seem to be ended bt
JULY its a new hope to reborn

Stay close to my heart, and follow it
I shall make it all the time

I miss you all ...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cocktail Presentation Day

9 June 2009
Cocktail Presentation

Song i use : Timbaland & Keri Hilson
The Way I Are

I`ll upload the video soon (:

KDU College : H&T Cocktail Presentation Day

Bar set up
Me & Jonathan Hensom

Me & my partner for doing cocktail

Me & Nancy (Poker face)

Jes - Poker face for Poker Party !
Me and Chef Syed
Yeang & Suat Sheen (my partner)
Johnson, Shus Yen n me
They look so match (:
* Through out this presentation i had learnt a lot
Actly i was quite nervous for that time
nervous until i can feel my heartbeat
and finally i had manage to do it.
Thanks god and i was quite satisfy wif it
Although the marks is nt dat high but at least
i had tried my very best !
My cocktail drink : The Sexy Jester
1 jigger tequila gold
1 jigger sugar syrup
3 jigger fresh orang juice
Garnishing: Orang jelly n mint leaf
Method: Shaking and Stirring
Its taste gud! Have a try ya (:


6月11日 傍晚 5时32分

感情 我真的玩不起

我期待我爱的人的到来 但是也同时会害怕
害怕对方不会认真 而让自己受伤害
这一阵子 我学聪明了
我只要没有兴趣的 都不会给机会
我只要没看上的 也不会浪费时间多瞄一眼

我对感情很憧憬 渴望有个幸福美满的感情
希望能和自己喜欢的人 一起做喜欢做的事
希望能跟自己爱与爱自己的人 有个家
我是位渴望有个家的女人 渴望有孩子的女人

随着年龄的增长 我对感情越认真
感情是一种责任 一种承担
感情写起来只有两个字 可是好多人

我不奢望自己的桃花好 但只奢望
能够遇到对的人 只要一位就好了
反正以后嫁的也只有一位 所以桃花好来干嘛

虽然全世界的人那么多 但是
我很相信挚爱的存在 相信爱情的永恒
其实除了爱情 友情亲情我都很注重
好像只要跟情有关 好像就会扯到我

从国中开始 我就很善于表达情感
所以只要有喜欢的人 我都会表达出来
就算被拒绝也无所谓 只要表达了


或许往这方面想 我才能纯粹跟你当朋友
什么第一感觉 第一直觉

感情 不是我现在考虑的时候
我只想说 我会依然在乎你


Dinner with Sweetie Li Qing & Wei Yee

Our Dinner at Swen
7 June 2009

After the cat walk practical
We having dinner together near
our CVI centre

We promise to each other that
We`ll be able to fly tohether
to Hawaii which is the next year

Love this environment very much

Wei Yee & me

Li Qing & Wei Yee
Who say YOUNGSTER cant really grow up Amway business?
Is just part of them dunno about the 'price' of the business
They are just same age with me
They still 19! We will achieve our goals!
Moreover, they are pretty.
How come they want to join this Amway?
Ans : They want to succeed their hope n dreams
Ohs ya, we goin to have a cat walk show for our cosmetic
products on 28 June 2009, 2-5pm
Who are interested to have a look on that day
Drop me a comment as i need to buy ticket
RM 10 for each ticket.
Support us !

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Red box

3 June 2009
Desperate for Red Box
Out wif Brandy, Clestine n Yeang to Gurney Red Box
OMG now red box was on promotion
RM 8 for student price but only 2 hours
Its totally not enough for us
So we`re quite rushing and keep skip once
we finish the song lol
We spend our time until 7pm ++
Then clestine & brandy straight away go bac home
but i still hang out wif yeang
spending time in plaza
Then we have our dinner in Mcd at 10.20pm
Sound more to our supper zzz
Red box is cool !

I love Myself ~

I look fat ==
Wooo She is pretty, love her !

Friday, June 5, 2009

I still believe in love

5 June 2009

Still believe in love

I knew we have no chance to be wif
I knew the distance dat appear in us
I knew everything and i trying to ignore them before
But at last i found out in order to ignore
why not i jus face it?
I`ll let euu noe my feeling
I`ll explain all the thg happening
And all dats euu can pretend dat euu had
jus gt a nightmare
Choo Xiong, always be in a happy mood
Take care of ur health
I knew euu dunno about me and even cant capture
how my look also, but no worry
As long as i knew euu then its alright for me
and i`ll satisfy
I`ll not taking much from euu
Just hope dat euu`ll treat me as ur friend
and also know bout me at least a bit
I fall for euu since last year
Since euu smiling towards me
Since euu make ur sharing
Since euu let me noe dat euu`re a man
A real man.
I hope i gt a chance to get closer wif euu
as a friend can do
But please dun frustrated wif me
or irretate me as i`m jus like euu in my way only
It won affected ur life and everythg
Last time i really hope to be wif euu so much
as i wanna treat euu so well
But now i had wake up
And i know so much thg compare to last time
Although so but i still believe in love
I knew i`ll get someone i really love in my life
And i hope euu did too
Ur birthday was coming
Be prepared to get gift from me
Stay healthy !
I`ll always pray for euu (:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Amway help me to identify "FRIEND"

4 June 2009

What is 'F R I E N D' ?

Last nite, actly i`m in a gud mood
as i spend time wif brandy & clestine to redbox
But unfortunately, sumthg bad happening...

I met friend that dat i din met for a long time
I knew them since 16 and now i`m 19
and last time we used hang out together
As i knew them through a camp

Among of them, i had approached 2 of them
in Amway business, and after dat days are not same anymore
They`re to scare to hang out wif me
every single call and msg dat i send out
they`ll just ignore bout it.

Oh come on, it doesnt mean dat if i told euu
the thg once then i`m goin to let euu noe
everytime, sometime i just wanna hang out and
have a movie only

They ignore my msg and evrythg and does not
giv me even one chance to explain

"A true friend will not bcaus of euu doin Amway
and leave euu alone"

Thanks for Amway help me to identify what is
a friend call. I was so sad last nite, even cry until
i scolding rude words. But thre are still friend who
care bout me, they keep on advise me and hope
me`ll success in one day

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


1 June 09


昨晚 看了小颖的部落各后 泪流直下

这一段期间 我在忙的时候也是她最难受的时候
她好坚强 好勇敢 就算受伤也依然走下去
这一点和我很相似 她 跟她的挚爱划清了界线
虽然心里很爱他 却还是放他走

小颖 我很愧疚也很伤心 没在你需要时
给你鼓励支持你 关心你 甚至疼爱你
但虽如此 我依然还是一直在你身边

我也是玩不起感情的人 只要爱上了
就没有悔意 而只会为他付出
我也曾经很受伤 很伤心
吃不下饭 也睡不好觉 说好放下他
但却用了好长的时间 真的很长

我太专一了 也太天真了 一直都以为
他只为了我 而我只要有一点点的甜头
但也因为受伤 我坚强勇敢了我不再天真了
但是我还是相信真爱 因为真正爱你的人
不会让你伤心难过 就像家人一样

小颖 你我都一样 都是希望有个家的女人
但是你遇到了 而我的还没出现
如果有天 达他遇上了车祸 离开了这个世界
你会怎么办? 你还会坚守你的原则吗?
否则 一辈子都不会再快乐了

我没有给你什么意见 只是要你明白
每个人都会犯错 最要紧他真心改过
虽然他犯的错是很错 但是有没有想过
就是有那个因缘 所以才有那个错

他如果 有心要改过
就给他最后一次机会 经过教训的男人都会学乖的
一段值得回味的感情 需要一些考验和风浪才显得珍贵
若太平淡 双方没吵过架 没有事情发生 很顺利的话
原因 因为平淡无奇

能讲的我讲完了 你好好考虑吧
人生是无常的 不是所有人都能活到老
所以活在当下 珍惜每一分每一秒
珍惜 你身边的一切 珍惜每个机会
或许错过了 就不会再有了

希望 你 真的快乐

Monday, June 1, 2009

Photos in Yataimura

29 May 09
The Photos

My aunt was behind me

Qb's toilet

Yataimura's restaurant
Enjoy the food happily
My sis's set meal
Does it appetit euu?
Teppanyaki set meal

Happy moment just remain for that moment,
but picture capture the happy moment for forever !
So always capture the memory for future (:

2 Days 1 night

29 May 09

Aunt,Grandma and Sister staying at pg

Aunt and grandma arrive pg at 29 May
They`re waiting me at Loh Guan Lye Hsp
as my aunt's daughter went for a medical
check up

Meeting wif them after my class, i was super
glad. I miss them very much! I always do
as i`m a gal who really care about family


We went for Qb mall as they did not went before
I also just went for the place for 3 times only. lol
The mall was huge and they do not have plenty of times
for shopping form one to one shop

We end up the day by 9.45pm, by that time, most
of us was exhausted. omg. i hav a nice slping nite.

But the day was so interesting as we have dinner at
Yataimura. I was super satisfy (:
The food was nice and i feel the fullest of stomach
"I really can eat man! No wander growing fat nowadays!!"


The next day, we having dim sum in fron of my
college, KDU College. omg again. I have been
crazy for tis 2 days, eat up a lots of food!
And i was quite guilty too. Bt its ok now, as
i`m on diet program. Hardworking a bit to
control back myself. I dun wan to loose the
confident that i own before. lol

Then, we have cendol for our high tea. As
most of us are still full, include my grandma.

When its about 4.45pm, it was the time to say gud bye
We taking ferry together to Bw, bt they taking
bus to Alor Setar while me taking rapid to
Pacific to my relative house.

My path become heavy when its was the time
i gonna say bye bye to them, i noe i was
so not happy that the days finally end up.
I knew i wanna spend lot of time being wif them,
and i knew i would not look over my shoulder after
i went off... I miss them honestly, i miss everyone
of them. I wanna live wif them, but before i was success
i noe i would make it cum true.

I`ll realize my dream in order to be wif them
every single minutes of seconds!

May dream come true ~

Belated Birthday Celebration

27 May 2009

Celebrate at German Restaurant
Hang out wif Bj & Kai Ping, my best fren since
we`re young, 10 years ++ best fren (:
*Kong Tien also together wif us, bt he is their
Belated celebration as they`re in langkawi
when is my birthday
We have dinner at a German Restaurant
and i`m satisfy wif it, bt the service at the
restaurant shld be improved.
Kong Tien & Kai Ping
My food, Porkpie
*its too big portion for me to finish by my own
Bj's Prawn spagheti wif salmon
Starter, Meditterean salad
*its serve in a big portion too, very healthy
Bread & butter
After the dinner, i went back to their hostel
I love Bj's sound system, its awesome!
We have a fun time, i miss them always (:
Best fren from own hometown gather together
and playing together is a very nice feeling.
No jealousy appear ya as i`m teeling the truth
lol. why? Becaus since we`re in kindergarden,
we play wif each other until we finish our SPM
Heart beat for my langkawi's fren !