Friday, March 6, 2009

Why love ?

♥ L . O . V . E

Love appear when you in love with somebody
Love make you feel shy, heart beat faster, blank for a time, get shock by sudden
All this natural symtom show you`re in love ♥
BUT ?!

Why love? ♥ why do everyone did the same thing although they had knew it?
They learnt the pain
They learnt the sad
They learnt the toughness and difficulties

Although love is a kind of complicated thing that cant easily explain
but the reason being was .. we`re still human
Human get LOVE easily when there are caring and loving occur

♥ LOVE did bring happiness to people who really should deserve it
its complicated but if you feel it by your heart you feel the speciality of it
♥ Love is everything for me
as it show the how much you care for a person
how much you willing to sacrifice
how much your loving towards them
how much you can do
and how much they will accept

♥ Love is not only appear in partnerships
but it do appear in family and friends
I love to being a lover for everyone
whom really worth to be

my sweet dear
my family
my friends

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